In this video, I have explained how to create a new python file and run it. I have combined all of the previous tutorial and tried to make a appropriate program which performs a simple task using numbers, Arithmetic operations, taking input from user, type casting, displaying the output, storing it in a variable.


Until now, we learned how to use python IDLE and make it interactive with user by understanding the concept of storing variables, taking input from user, type casting the input and few other data types’ concept. In this video I am going to explain how to create a new python .py file and run it. A bunch of code performing a certain task is to be written in python file. In this video, I have explained a basic code where two inputs are taken from the user and Arithmetic operations are performed respectively. The input taken from the user is type casted into an integer and used.

Once you have done with the code, save the code and click on run or press F5 to run the program. If there is any error, you will get an error message else the code will run perfectly.